PAFM National Leadership Fitness to Serve Questionnaire

The goal of the Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM) is to involve the African masses in the discussions and decision-making processes on African Unity.  We in PAFM believe that the people are the legitimate owners of the Sovereignty of the States we want to unite.

The Pan African Federalist Movement is being built around the Call for the First Pan African Federalist Congress. It is a grassroots coalition for African Unity. Its approach is a bottom-up mobilization for the political unification of the States on the African continent and those in the Caribbean islands where “Africans of the Blood” make up the majority of the citizenry.

The PAFM is now looking for men and women to serve on the national and regional leadership teams of the various PAFM organs. If you wish to be considered for a leadership position in the PAFM, please complete the survery below, the purpose of which is to ensure that by their profile and level of commitment to the cause of the PAFM, leaders are fit to carry the mission entrusted to them.

Can West Africa Lead the Way to a United African States?:

We in PAFM believe that the people are the legitimate owners of the Sovereignty of the States we want to unite.  We believe it to be self-evident that only the African masses have the true legitimate power to authorize the African states to voluntarily “mutualize” any portion of their sovereignty to an entity which they deem will be able to properly manage it in their best interest.

During the last fifty years or more, these States have proven their inability to manage significant portions of their sovereignty and have surrendered them to their former colonizer’s governments who are not accountable to African people.  A Federalist Compact between the African States will allow them to take back those portions of their sovereignty and voluntarily “mutulaize” parts of it that they deem fit to a Federal Government “of the African people, by the African people and for the African people”. It is self-evident that this entity will only be accountable to African people and no foreign power.

The Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM) is being built around the Call for the First Pan African  Federalist Congress. where at least two third of the countries targeted to become members of the UAS will have delegates representing the will of the Pan African Federalists, organizations and individuals, of  their country. A Congress that will have the capacity to launch a credible campaign for convening  referendums or other forms of citizen actions to secure the membership of their country to the United  African States (UAS). The African peoples who are the owners of the sovereignty of their States, will be deciding  on the entry of their State into a federal union with the other African States and form the United African  States.


The following questionaire is for senior analysts and seasoned activists on the ground in the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.  The responses will be analyzed and compiled for the strategy document:

Can West Africa Lead the Way to a United African States?: A Compendium of Opinions on the Viability of the PAFM Campaign

PAFM-RCC-WA-R&SC: Communiqué 1 - Quarterly Evaluation Mechanism

Nsumba! Greetings Comrades, 

I am Siphiwe Baleka and I have been confirmed in my appointment as Head of the RCC - West Africa Research and Strategy Committee. You can find out more about me here.

To begin my work, I remind us of the following from the Roadmap to Victory:

All NCC will establish their own roadmaps as part of the missions devolved to their respective region by the IPC roadmap described in section 2 above. . . . For a roadmap to have any meaning, the structures to unfold it must exist. To do this the starting point for any RCC or NCC that wants to produce its Realistic Road Map to victory, and not a wishful thinking way forward to victory, is to ensure that their Executive Committee is fully functional. . . . [and] Create a reliable periodical (quarterly) evaluation mechanism for the progress of the NCCs.

Therefore, each NCC Coordinator shall complete this form by August 11.