PAFM National Leadership Fitness to Serve Questionnaire

The goal of the Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM) is to involve the African masses in the discussions and decision-making processes on African Unity.  We in PAFM believe that the people are the legitimate owners of the Sovereignty of the States we want to unite.

The Pan African Federalist Movement is being built around the Call for the First Pan African Federalist Congress. It is a grassroots coalition for African Unity. Its approach is a bottom-up mobilization for the political unification of the States on the African continent and those in the Caribbean islands where “Africans of the Blood” make up the majority of the citizenry.

The PAFM is now looking for men and women to serve on the national and regional leadership teams of the various PAFM organs. If you wish to be considered for a leadership position in the PAFM, please complete the survery below, the purpose of which is to ensure that by their profile and level of commitment to the cause of the PAFM, leaders are fit to carry the mission entrusted to them.