First Name
Last Name
Country where you live
Are you an officer in the PAFM
Yes, at the IPC Level
Yes, at the RCC Level
Yes, at the NCC Level
Current Office within the IPC/RCC/NCC or answer “None” if being recruited
1. Coordinator
2. Deputy Coordinator
3. General Secretary
4. Deputy General Secretary
5. Head of Head of the Finance Commission
6. Head of the Communications Commission
7. Head of the External Affairs Commission
8. Head of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Commission
9. Head of the Research and Strategy Commission
10. Head of the Security Commission
11. Head of the Youth Mobilization Commission
12. Head of the Women's Leadership Mobilization Commission
13. Head of the Education Commission
Preliminary questions: Before a person’s recruitment to a PAFM leadership position, the following questions must be asked to the person. The level of satisfaction to the answers of these questions is left to the discretion of the Presidency and the General Secretariat for the IPC and to the Coordinator and General Secretary for the RCCs and NCCs. Have you read and answered yes to at least one of the questions asked in the Call for the First Pan-African Federalist Congress? To which one did you answer yes for and why?
Have you read and understood the Building Our Campaign Machine document?
Do you have any questions after reading the Call for the First Pan-African Federalist Congress and the Building Our Campaign Machine document?
If "yes" please ask your question
Do you have any concerns about being able to assume the responsibility that comes with occupying the position you want to hold or is occupying after carefully reading what is expected of you in the charter of the PAFM?
If "yes" please state your concerns
What is your understanding of the mission of the PAFM and your role in accomplishing that mission?
What do you think of the non-interference policy in the internal affairs of the countries targeted as future members of the United African States?
What does teamwork mean to you?
Additional questions: Do you own a smartphone?
Do you own a computer?
Can you afford at least 3 hours of internet access each day?
Can you afford to travel around your city on PAFM business at least once a week?
How many hours are you able to dedicate to PAFM work each week?
On a scale of 1 to 5, how responsive are you to email?
1. I rarely check my email
2. I check my email a few times a week
3. I check my email once a day
4. I check my email several times a day
5. I monitor my email on both my computer and phone every day, day and night
On a scale of 1 to 5, how responsive are you to WhatsApp messages?
1. I rarely check WhatsApp
2. I check WhatsApp a few times a week
3. I check WhatsApp once a day
4. I check WhatsApp several times a day
5. I monitor WhatsApp every day, day and night
On July 7, 1964, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I stated, “The community development worker’s task is unique. We must be prepared to work late at night, on official holiday’s or any odd hour, if the need arises.” Are you willing to work even during vacations?
Are you willing to sacrifice sleep in order to complete an assignment?
What motivates you to work for the PAFM Campaign without being paid?
Questions for PAFM Officers. Please answer ALL questions. If you are not an officer withing the PAFM, you can skip to the end of the survey, enter your email and submit your survery. Officers: When did you take office?
Who introduced you to the PAFM?
What have you accomplished since you took office? Give details.
What is the most difficult part of fulfilling the responsibilities of your office?
What is the name(s) of the person(s) within the PAFM to whom you report?
How much time per week do you spend on PAFM work?
Please describe the PAFM work you do.
What do you need in order to be more effective in your office?
How effectively and efficiently does your NCC function?
1. It is completely dysfunctional with little to no activity or communication
2. It is barely functional; we have a coordinator but we haven’t been meeting
3. It is somewhat functional; we have meetings every now and then but with little attendance
4. It is functional; we have regular meetings and some activities
5. It is highly functional; regular meetings are well attended and new individual and organizational members are joining the coalition
If you answered 1,2 or 3 to question 29, why? What is the main reason for the poor performance?
What is your most important recommendation for your NCC?
What is your fitness level to serve in the PAFM?
I am unfit
I am out of shape but ready and willing to train hard
I am adequately fit and can be expected to fulfill my duties
I am very fit and and engage in extensive PAFM activity each week