PAFM-RCC-WA-R&SC: Communiqué 1 - Quarterly Evaluation Mechanism

Nsumba! Greetings Comrades, 

I am Siphiwe Baleka and I have been confirmed in my appointment as Head of the RCC - West Africa Research and Strategy Committee. You can find out more about me here.

To begin my work, I remind us of the following from the Roadmap to Victory:

All NCC will establish their own roadmaps as part of the missions devolved to their respective region by the IPC roadmap described in section 2 above. . . . For a roadmap to have any meaning, the structures to unfold it must exist. To do this the starting point for any RCC or NCC that wants to produce its Realistic Road Map to victory, and not a wishful thinking way forward to victory, is to ensure that their Executive Committee is fully functional. . . . [and] Create a reliable periodical (quarterly) evaluation mechanism for the progress of the NCCs.

Therefore, each NCC Coordinator shall complete this form by August 11.