Siphiwe Baleka with H.E. Ambassador Arikana Chihombori-Quao and Damian Cook, ADDI Vice President, February 12, 2023
Later this year, the government of Zimbabwe will be hosting the “8th Pan African Congress Part 1”. More than 800 delegates from the African Diaspora and Africa will convene for the sole purpose of further establishing the AU 6th Region and creating a comprehensive African Diaspora Citizenship Policy for the African Union. The initiative comes from Uganda President Yoweri Museveni and Her Excellency, Ambassador Arikana Chihombori-Quao, the former AU Ambassador to the United States who has become a voice and champion of the African Diaspora and the African Union 6th Region. Many grassroots Pan African activists are asking questions about the event which I have addressed in the article From the 8th Pan African Congress in 2014 to the 8th Pan African Congress in 2023.
As the Chairperson of the Congress Agenda Steering Committee, I would like to say a few things in hopes of rallying the entire African Diaspora to a most historic moment.
Twenty years ago, on February 4th, 2003, I was the sole representative of the African Diaspora in attendance at the First Extra-Ordinary Summit of the Assembly of the African Union meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. That summit adopted the historic Article 3(q) that officially, “invite(s) and encourage(s) the full participation of Africans in the Diaspora in the building of the African Union in its capacity as an important part of our Continent.” From this decision, the African Diaspora would eventually become designated as the 6th Region of the African Union.
The AU 6th Region Education Campaign was launched in 2006 which attempted to organize the African Diaspora to begin working within the African Union as its 6th Region to create the “Africa We Want.” Our original task was to organize ourselves and elect twenty representatives to the AU Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) that was designated for African civil society participation within the African Union. Until now, those elections have not been concluded and those positions have never been filled. It should be recalled that inclusion in ECOSOCC was only meant to be the first step in becoming full partners in the African Union and the development of our motherland.
As many people remember, H.E. Ambassador Arikana Chihombori-Quao was removed from her position as the AU Ambassador to the United States at a time when she was fiercely exposing the neo-colonialist exploitation against African people. Her three-year tenure, however, gave her the experience and insight into what needed to be done in order to unite the African Diaspora to take its place at the table inside the African Union.
Now is the moment to implement what I am calling Ambassador Chihombori-Quao’s “Get the Keys Strategy”. Instead of shouting from outside the African Union about a broad host of issues, now is the moment when the African Diaspora can accomplish two objectives: first, establish a continental diaspora citizenship policy that will create four pathways based on investment, work, residency and/or dna under the principle of the “Right to Return”. The four pathways, taken together, allows for every African Diaspora to obtain citizenship to the country of their choice or ancestry regardless of one’s circumstances. The second objective is to establish the equality of the AU 6th Region with the other five regions within the African Union by establishing Ambassadors at the AU Permanent Representatives Council (PRC) and throughout all the other AU organs and establishing an AU 6th Region Headquarters outside of Africa. This is the LIMITED OBJECTIVE of the upcoming Pan African Congress in Harare, Zimbabwe and will open the door for the African Diaspora to physically enter the continent and to administratively begin to assist in governing the continent.
After spending five days in intense strategy sessions with Ambassador Chihombori-Quao, it is my firm belief that her “Get the Keys Strategy” is the historical imperative of the moment. The entire African Diaspora must rally behind this.
As my article highlights, there are contradictions and differences within the African Diaspora. However, this is the moment we must exercise our understanding that unity does not require homogeneity, but it does require solidarity of purpose.
The previous Pan African Congresses had a much broader agenda with differences of opinion. The upcoming Congress has a limited agenda, thus breaking with tradition in order to achieve a result that the entire African Diaspora desires: citizenship in our ancestral homeland. Again, this can be achieved now, but only if we come together and perform well.
There will be some conflict over the Congress’s connection to Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. There may be arguments over whether or not the Congress should be called the 8th PAC, the 9th PAC or even be called a PAC at all. Some veterans of the Pan African movement may feel slighted that, until now, they were not consulted from the start. And perhaps there may be many more objections.
What is important, however, is that we now have a Champion who knows what to do and how to do it. Ambassador Chihombori-Quao has support from current and past African Presidents who are ready to move the needle IF we come together and unite under a congress that is truly representative of the entire African Diaspora. The Congress’s Harare Declaration that includes the African Diaspora Citizenship Policy recommendations will then be submitted by the President of Zimbabwe to the African Union General Assembly in July for adoption. The stronger the unified support of the Congress, the more likely the African Diaspora Citizenship Policy will be accepted by the African Union. Therefore, we must put aside all other concerns to achieve this objective. All Pan Africanists, heed the call.
During the next seven weeks leading up to the Congress, there will be open Preparatory Meetings each Saturday to debate and contribute input on each of the specific Agenda items. All Pan Africansits and African Diasporans are invited to make this the most inclusive Pan African Congress in history. If you agree, please register your name and organization below.
Siphiwe Baleka, Coordinator, Chairperson of the Congress Agenda Steering Committee
8th PAC Part 1 Agenda
Pathway to Dual-Citizenship for Continental Diaspora and Descendants of the formerly enslaved
Pathway 1: Investment
Citizenship granted anywhere in Africa to African Diasporans who have bought a home, started a business, or invested $100,000 to $200,000 in one way or another in the country of their choice.
Pathway 2: Work
Citizenship granted anywhere in Africa to African Diasporans who have worked for three years in the country of their choice.
Pathway 3: Residency
Citizenship granted anywhere in Africa to African Diasporans that have lived in the country of their choice for three years. For example, students, researchers, NGO workers, etc.
Pathway 4: DNA/ Right to Return
Citizenship granted to a specific country to African Diasporans that have taken an African Ancestry DNA test and have either a maternal or paternal African lineage.
Pathway 5: Retirement
Citizenship granted anywhere in Africa to retirees upon submission of qualifying information
Diaspora Pan African Capital Fund, Diaspora Pan African Bank and Diaspora Preferential Investment Pathway for International Contracts
Diaspora Pan African Capital Fund
$100 a month from 1 million African Diasporans (0.4% of the African Diaspora population) is $100 million a month. That’s $1.2 billion a year and $6 billion in five years. Investment through the fund qualifies for citizenship through Pathway 1. At maturity, money is deposited in a bank in the country of choice.
Diaspora Pan African Bank
We need a bank that can monetize gold. Currently only 2 foreign owned banks in Africa can do this. Remittances to go through this bank.
Diaspora Preferential Investment Pathway for International Contracts
Diaspora to receive 3 to 6 month exclusive right to bid on all International Contracts. Waived or reduced fees for registering a company or for acquiring permanent residency.
Introduction to the African Union 6th Region
Explanation of the African Union Five Regions
The Five Regions participation in the AU organs.
Definition of the Diaspora
The African Union defines the African Diaspora as "Consisting of people of African origin living outside the continent, irrespective of their citizenship and nationality and who are willing to contribute to the development of the continent and the building of the African Union."
AU 6th Region Ambassadors to the PRC
The need to make the AU 6th Region equal in function to the other 5 regions through inclusion in all AU organs starting with the Permanent Representatives Council.
Establishment of AU 6th Region and 9th REC Headquarters
Just as the 5 regions of the AU each have a headquarters within their region, so, too, must the AU 6th Region have a headquarters somewhere within its region such as the Caribbean. Headquarters to be financed by the Diaspora Pan African Fund with construction contributions from EU, OAS, CARICOM, AU and the host country.
Establishment of a Pan African TV and Radio Station/Network
Nearly all organized efforts have a system of propaganda to convert people to their principles and get them to support them. Western Media, especially CNN, BBC, etc. has been and continues to be the highest form of systemic propaganda. That is why it is able in a major sense, to control the mind of the people of the world.Therefore, we must organize our propaganda to undo the propaganda of other people through a Pan African TV and Radio network that can rival CNN, BBC, etc.
From the 8th Pan African Congress in 2014 to the 8th Pan African Congress in 2023
To join the 8PAC1 Committees, email the Agenda Coordinator, email